The Alpaca GALLERY
Winter Melody ♀ cria by Gadabout
UpsyDaisy,Titterfer,TootSweet,& BDazzeled
UpsyDaisy and friends (4)
UpsyDaisy and friends (3)
UpsyDaisy and friends (2)
UpsyDaisy and friends
Royal Flush fleece (6mths)
Ripley having her say
Prunella with cria Royal Flush
Pontipine fleece (2)
Pontipine fleece
Pontipine (2)
Iggypop fleece (at 2 years)
Iggypop fleece (2 years 3rd fleece)
Iggypop, Aces High & Fred
Honky Tonk
Gadabout Female Crias (2)
Gadabout Female Crias
Gadabout (6)
Gadabout (5)
Gadabout (4)
Gadabout (3)
Gadabout (2)
Gadabouts fleece at 6years
Gadabout fleece
Gadabout Female Cria (2)
Gadabout Female Cria
Gadabout Cria Fleece (2)
One of Gadabouts Crias Fleece
Gadabouts cria
Females and Female Cria
Females and Cria
Candyman fleece 8mths
Candy Man,Thai silk & Tomlibo
Candy Man (2)
Candy Man (1)
Cria fleece Sire Gadabout
Cria fleece -sire Gadabout
Candy Man fleece
Candy man and friends
BeaDiva with Gadabouts female crias
The fleece of “Aces High” (second photo)
The fleece of “Aces High”
shearing alpaca
For a sneak peak of what awaits at Horsham Farm check out some photos of our alpacas.